Journey of Success|Glory|Pride
This Journey from just an IIT-JEE Coaching Institute, to the most powerful brand in serious education, has been exhilarating. However, the Journey is not over yet. For us at FIITJEE, The Journey will never be over...
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All India Rank 103
JEE Advanced (2020)
"The excellent teachers, extensive preparatory material and hardworking peers made for an amazing learning experience at FIITJEE."

All India Rank 269
JEE Advanced (2020)
"I Joined FIITJEE in class 8th due to my desire to learn more. Throughout my journey I have improved a lot and all the credits goes to my parents, faculty at FIITJEE and my school teachers."

All India Rank 289
JEE Advanced (2020)
"Hi Friends! Here at FIITJEE I was exposed to the world of competition and excellence. FIITJEE faculty helped me build my concepts and laid a strong foundation."
